<<Sites FOR the war; supporting the Coalition
US Dept. of State/Iraq toward Liberation
-- The site is produced and maintained by the US Department
of State's Office of International Information Programs.
-- This page offers direct links to some of the most
important US Department of Defense sites (DoD Sites). You can get access
to the database of all registered DoD Sites.
US Central Command
-- Web page of US Central Command, General Tommy Franks
in Qatar, commanding Operation Iraqi Freedom.
US Embassy in Tokyo, Japan/International Security
-- English-Japanese bilingual site
This site contains information on US policy, public affairs, visas and consular
services. You can read up-to-date interviews with US officials and transcripts
of statements by US officials.
UK Foreign Office/Iraq
-- This page is by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
which is the British department of foreign affairs. Click the icon of 'Iraq'
to read the latest news and statements.
UK Ministry of Defence/Operation Telic
-- UK military operations against Saddam Hussein's regime
in Iraq are being conducted under the name of Operation Telic.
UK Intl. Institute for Strategy Studies/Iraq War
-- The International Institute for Strategic Studies is
one of the sources of information on international strategic issues for
governments, businesses and people. Its main office is in London.
British Embassy in Japan/Speeches & Statements
-- The latest speeches and statements by ministers and other
government representatives, arranged by theme. The items here have been
selected because they are of relevance to an audience in Japan (and appear
where possible in Japanese on the Japanese version of this page).
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan/the issue of Iraq
-- Pages of the press conferences, reports, statements by
the Japanese ministers and government representatives, up-to-date interviews
and news releases on Iraqi issues.
<<Supporting the Iraqi side>>
Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-- This site of the Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs is
temporarily closed.
UN Permanent Mission of Iraq in NY
-- The site of the Iraqi representatives to the UN in New
York is temporarily closed.
-- News page in English by a popular Arabic satellite news
channel. It was knocked down by some patriotic Americans' spam mails. Currently
under construction to reopen in mid-April.
Workers Communist Party of Iraq
-- The only site which seems to be working in Iraq.
<<Media coverage>>
War Report
-- This page consists of select articles, documents, and
analyses compiled and frequently updated by a non-profit organization in
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
New York Times
-- The site says it provides "Complete Coverage"
of the war.
Center for Defense Information/Eye on Iraq
-- The Center for Defense Information is a non-profit organization
for independent research on the social, economic, environmental, political
and military components of global security.
Yahoo! News, UK/War in Iraq
-- You can get a panoramic view of British coverage of the
War in Iraq
-- Here is a unique perspective from Moscow journalists
and military specialists based on information and analysis of Russian information
agencies. They have enlisted the help of contributors living in Russia,
US, Israel, EU, and Iraq. They also have a number of "Military History
Forum" members.
Yahoo! News, Japan/Iraq War
-- An overview of Japanese coverage.
-- Japan External Trade Organization's page, mostly trade
and business reports.
(English top page)
Asia News/Iraq Report
-- Web site of a program production firm that has sent H.
Kubota (see below) to Baghdad.
Official site by Hironobu Kubota
-- Report from Baghdad by a freelance photojournalist, Hironobu
Kubota, who is having dreadful experiences in the air-strikes in Baghdad.
US and UK casualties and missing in action
-- Statistics of unknown authorship but well organized and
Chugoku Shimbun/DU munitions
-- This site warns of adverse health effects from DU exposure.
Terashima laboratory annex/Chomsky
-- A college English professor is translating into Japanese
Noam Chomsky's essays and interviews.
<<Anti-war movement>>
-- Core organization for anti-war actions in the USA. ANSWER
stands for Act Now to Stop War & End Racism.
National Network to End the War in Iraq
-- A nationwide coalition of peace and justice, student
and faith-based organizations united to work for ending the war against
the people of Iraq. 282 organizations in the US are connected on the Internet.
Americans against Bombing
-- Originally an organization of 'Americans Against World
Empire', this coalition for peace now focuses on the war with Iraq.
Iraq Body Count
-- The worldwide update of reported civilian deaths in the
war on Iraq.
Anti-war/Peace action
-- One of the anti-war movement centers in Japan.
Bretzel for Bush
-- A humorous French site against the war. It says, "The
most wanted criminal in the USA is the Bretzel, because this kind of biscuit
tried to murder the US president while he was watching a football game.
So let's send him a Bretzel."
Bush or Chimp?
-- This parody page contains Bush or Chimp comparison pictures.
Several visitors are emailing and signing in the guestbook about how it
is cruel to the chimpanzees to compare them to George W. Bush.
http://www.bushorchimp.com/ |